Jan 7Liked by Vivian Bercovici

Bring them all home. Whatever it takes.

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Jan 7Liked by Vivian Bercovici

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality."

Time for us to stop supporting those international organizations that play politics and do little.

Or worse, favor the criminals.

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Time to stop the Genocide! You are being watched by the world. And the world is seeing murder every day and every night.

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It's pretty horrid being in Gaza I imagine. Bombing and no food, no sanitation, no medial supplies. Oh, how about an amputation without meds. And what about a bit of bombing in the morning? In the afternoon? And just destroying someone's house? Honestly? Do you think this is a future?

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So, you do realise that this is Genocide in every way. Killing 20,000 people in Gaza is unacceptable and Israel has become an pariah state. We just watched One Life about Nicki Winton organisng the Kinder Transport and my husbands dad was on it. Where is the Kinder Transport for the children of Gaza. You must stop this Genocide and now. The world is watching and your Govt will be held to account. What justice is this? Killing so many children? It's murder. This is no war. Stop it.

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deletedJan 7
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The only way to stop this is peace. And a ceasefire. You know that. Bring 20,000 people back to life.

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