It is a mass form of Attention Deficit Disorder. I had it myself..until recently. I was not paying attention to the BDS movement or understand the issues -at first. I would see Palestinian protesters show up at Jewish events for years shouting down speakers here in San Francisco. Their numbers were small and I did not imagine they could grow. I thought, surely, they would fade away. Shai’s remark about the college student’s in the US being ‘co-opted by ideologues.’ It captures what happened! They don’t see how they are being manipulated by the thousands, following like sheep to the slaughter. Continued thanks for your leadership…it is so important to hear you tell it like it is… insightful and profound!

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The virulence and ferociousness is mind blowing. We’re waking up way too late but hope we can turn back time a little on this whole mess. Of course, now copycat demos on Canadian uni campuses. We’ve seen these ideological movements so many times in the past. People want to fit in. Most of these students haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. I’d like to know what their parents think!

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I know it’s true that people want to fit in. It is so unexpected from these students at such highly thought of colleges. It is as if they haven’t learned anything. But then it is so shocking to hear public intellectuals, especially Jews, like Naomi Klein and Robert Reich on the wrong side.

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Neither Naomi Klein nor Reich surprise me at all. I'd be shocked if they positioned themselves otherwise.

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Excellent! Inspiring confidence to speak out.

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Thx for the feedback. And of course, for listening.

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Incredibly inspiring man and interview! “ This is the War on Terror” He’s right, you’re right! Thank you for bringing this essential truth out. It is what must be our rallying cry!

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Thanks, Donna. You know, I’ve been saying these things for years. People thought I was nuts. But I was just paying attention. Sadly. Things seem to be spiraling way out of control now…..and the targets are no longer just Jews. Let’s hope that people take stock and react before it’s too late. 🙏

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At least he is not going to be fired like me, he is still teaching. I said I stood with Israel and I was immediately banned from campus because a radical anti-semite complained. My situation is far worse than his and it's at a Canadian University. Vivian knows all about my story and even though she is a former Canadian Ambassador, she ignores it, she knows she will get more clicks if she mentions a big American university. I'm just a no-name sessional lecturer and a no name Canadian university so I get just go to hell and get fired in the middle of the night. I wish I had it as good as Shai now.

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I have no idea who you are or what your story is. Unfortunately many people have been mistreated badly in recent years. Myself included. This isn’t about you. Whoever you are. This is global and yes. Because Shai is at Columbia the story is bigger. Thanks for stopping by.

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Thank you for your remarkably insensitve response. My story has been in the National Post three times. It's not tiny. I guess you don't read any Canadian media which is odd for a former Canadian Ambassador. And yes, I have been treated far worse than him, but I am sorry that my small university status does not get you the clicks that you want, it's all about your subcriber base obviously, none of this truth and justice and decency rubbish.

The reason I have been treated far worse is because "journalists" like you ignore the story because it doesn't have the immediate brand appeal. That is what makes the thugs at University of Guelph happy, they can now easily appeal to the baying mobs of anti semitic students because they will suffer no damage from journalists who are chasing clicks at Columbia. It's all about branding at the end of the day eh?


I sent you information months ago, it didn't bounce back, you obviously deleted it without reading it.



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Never got your emails, Paul. Sorry. Maybe I should’ve checked spam. A lot of stuff ends up there. As for the CJN piece yes. Someone sent me the link a few days ago. Haven’t listened yet.

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