1 Comment

Vivian, thank you again for your efforts.

While you see a dysfunctional Israeli government, as an American Jew I see a very dysfunctional American government.

Biden has an approval rating of less than 40%, and is trying to rally his most progressive left wing portion of his base with harsh comments about Bibi, that are harsher than he uses on Putin. I am deeply offended by his comments. Remember America is the country that A bombed 2 Japanese cities, napalmed innocent Vietnamese, set into motion the killing of over 1 million Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge and who can not forget how deftly Biden handled the Taliban and Afghanistan. Biden’s foreign policy is a disaster.

They are tying Israeli hands to finish this war. Do not blame your government, blame the US.

Israel is fighting for survival and the narcissist clueless US is hurtling towards the election here that no one wants.

Israel needs to secure itself, big brother is a fickle, not so bright highly divided ally.

Stay strong.

We love you!

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