Today we get into the the coming showdown between the IDF and the extremist coalition government led by PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Last Friday, 169 senior, former defense and security professionals, placed a full page ad in a major Israeli newspaper, calling on the government to halt the judicial reform in order to further damage Israel’s preparedness for war or any form of regional conflict. They are not blowing smoke. Repeated assessments indicate that Israel’s security situation is dire. The instability caused by the judicial reform initiative is exacerbating matters to the point that the country’s security may be in serious danger. (Ret.) Lt. Col. Peter Lerner chats with State of Tel Aviv to unpack how unprecedented such a public statement is and what it all means.

State of Tel Aviv, Israel Podcast
State of Tel Aviv, and Beyond: the podcast that tells the story. Unfiltered. We work it hard so that you will understand what’s really going down in Israel.
State of Tel Aviv, and Beyond: the podcast that tells the story. Unfiltered. We work it hard so that you will understand what’s really going down in Israel.Listen on
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